Friday, December 26, 2008

Life Long Learning 2.0

The old saying goes that we are never to old to stop learning. And with the internet that is so true. You can sign up for classes on the internet and get a degree. We all know colleagues at OCLS that have taken this opportunity to get their degrees.

You also can learn fun things. I went to ehow and looked up pets. There is all kinds of new information that I can use with my hobby of showing cats.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

OCLS and Library 2.0

Orlando Memory is important to the community and to myself. Years from now all of us will be able to go back and view what has taken place. There may be posts and pictures posted that you could not find else where. While browsing through Orlando Memories, I saw a picture posted for Gary's Duck Inn. I never ate there, but remember hearing about it and and it was neat to see a picture.

The Strategic Plan has one aspect about connecting the community to our services. By going out and doing outreach, I am able to let the community know what services their library has to offer. It is amazing the number of people that are not aware of the services we have to offer. One example would be the Books by Mail program.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Web 2.0 Continues

This by far has been my favorite. All kinds of very useful information. Farecast I will definitely use. I will use this to find cheap flights to go to cat shows. Upcoming was also interesting, this is a way to see upcoming events in your city.

I looked at On this site you are able to search for out of print books and buy them. I checked on one of my favorite authors who has now passed on, Jack Olsen. Jack who wrote true crime and I was able to find quite a few of his that I would be able to buy.

I also looked at Let's get cooking. On this site you are able to find recipes from around the world. I watched someone making an oyster recipe. Also on this site you can download a recipe and enter a contest.

Play Week

I went back to week 6 and took a second look at 'Library Spot'. There is all kinds of information on this site, so I went ahead and saved it to my favorites. You are able to find bestsellers lists (ex. USA Today). Oprah's books were also on this site. It is just a fountain of really neat information.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chain, Chain, Change

I connect with the well connected community. The customers I work with in Talking Books benefit from this. They can come into the library and use the computers. But, you might think how can they use a computer if they can't see? With technology, there are progams that can be loaded on the computers, here we have JAWS. Instead of seeing the sceen they are read back what appears on the screen. Also, having Overdrive as downloadable media is another. The blind are able to download recent titles instead of having to wait for it to come out as a talking book.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Information Is Open Source

I found our topics interesting this week. Now that information is readilly available at our fingertips, I feel that we must be careful as to what to believe. One example, that I found, hits close to home.
I was browsing Flicr the other day and decided to see if there was anyting relating to OCLS. There were pictures posted of the library and someone had taken photos of the green boxes in Talking Books, labeling them "microfilm". This is one example of why we need to be carefull of what we read on the internet.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Health, Wellness & Technology

A lot of really good information. The Wii Workout looks like it would really be a blast. The Nutrition website will be very useful. I have signed up for that. I like the recipe analyzer. They had a lot of really good blog topics.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sept. 2, 2008

My name is Pam and I like to read. That is a reallu good thing, especially if you work in a library and are surrounded by books. I will post my favorites. I also like cats and have been showing them for the past 20 years. Currently, my cat Libris Boo Radley is ranked 11th in the Southern United States.